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Band Management 

Right Said Fred


At the time of being introduced to the Fairbrass Brothers they were professionally known as The Actors.    
Upon learning that they were in a very restrictive and constraining publishing deal, the first thing that I had to do was to free them from it. The company involved recognised the integrity of my argument: i.e. "You can't hold on to someone unless you are actively promoting their career." The release was therefore immediate and thanks to the company involved was concluded in a mutually agreed gentlemanly fashion. Their career thereafter is well documented. 

The Hustlers Also First Photo Stonhouse Street.jpg

Çava Çava 


A top hit band in Japan. Two minor UK chart hits, but as they say: Big in Japan.

On the back of a hit album we toured there in 1984. Playing to capacity audiences. After which multiple TV shows and radio interviews became a part of daily life. 



Japan, was the perfect territory for Çava Çava. Where their music, looks and approach perfectly suited the Japanese youth culture.  


A good gig. 

Storm Of Glass


An eighties band that should have been huge.
Great musicians with tremendous personalities and humour. I've never laughed so much. 

Sadly they only released one album under the name Storm Of Glass, that being an album entitled Laugh. And still a firm favourite.
A Great Band.

Left to right: Peter Collins drums and programming. Steve Yeates an outstanding vocalist. One of the best I've ever worked with. Adam Barber Keys, and last but not least Chris Collins, guitarist and major humourist: I never finished a meal or a drink without laughing.

Laughter In The Garden

A three boy two girl band that were followed by the BBC as they pursued their dream of securing a recording contract. The programme a 30 minute documentary was first shown in December 1983 on BBC TV Southern Region, then nationally in 1984 on BBC One.

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